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Measurable results, directly on Google page #1​

Targeted SEO success: No speculation, just results. Benefit from visitors who are specifically looking for you and your product and effectively convert visitors into buyers.

Words that win

Keywords That Resonate, Yield Traffic and Revenue.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Technical SEO

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Optimize Your Code For Maximum Google Trust

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Technical SEO

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Optimize Your Code For Maximum Google Trust

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Backlink brilliance

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">We Build Backlinks That Bring Trust and Visitors.


The fight for the top spot at Google makes you more insane than your ex?

And you just watch while your competitors take top positions on Google? Even though their content is about as exciting as watching paint dry? Eliminate guesswork and fruitless trial and error. We find out what you're missing - and catapult your website into pole position.

How to get traffic?

How to increase conversions?

Where do you start?

Where do you start?

What type of content do you create?


Escape the madness, avoid guessing and trying. Purposeful to more visibility and sales

How about an agency that not only serves as a compass and map, but also as a loyal companion on your path to success?


Proven SEO results that elevate your brand

SEO strategies are not just theories; they are battlefield-tested tactics that have propelled businesses to the forefront of their markets.

We leverage meticulous data analysis and industry-leading expertise to ensure your brand not only participates but dominates.


Vision to process

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Not just investors, but catalysts for change. We champion startups reimagining the future, with a focus on sustainable growth and innovation.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Strategy<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">In the first step we understand your wishes and needs. Then we design a keyword and SEO strategy that fits your goals perfectly.<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">SEO Implementation<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">We start with the technical optimization of your website. We then update individual pages to achieve a better ranking.<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Optimization<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">We refine your keyword list, build backlinks, and create content to help you reach (and stay on) the first page of Google.<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Reporting<span data-metadata="">

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">In the first step we understand your wishes and needs. Then we design a keyword and SEO strategy that fits your goals perfectly<span data-metadata="">


Why Iqonic?

We blend proven principles with a deep understanding of your
audience's needs, desires, and challenges. Our aim? Be seen, stand
out, build trust, and create devoted fans.

Proven Principles

Find keywords that fit your business and reach your target group in exactly the right place.

Comprehensive Keyword Research

Find keywords that fit your business and reach your target group in exactly the right place.

Content Strategy Development

Increase your visibility with search engine optimization based on statistics and experience instead of assumptions.

Monitoring & Reporting

Find keywords that fit your business and reach your target group in exactly the right place.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Keyword precision with our unique 6 factor model for SEO success

We pride ourselves on our pinpoint precision in keyword
selection, elevating your brand using our Framework.

Volume Heroes

Keywords with high search volume from your target group, maximizing your exposure

Intent & Value

Keywords that drive users who are ready to engage and convert into sales.

Low Competition

Always a step ahead. We find hidden gems your competition hasn't even noticed.


Keywords that truly reflect your brand and attract your ideal target group.

Additional Keywords We Target

Understanding & Planning

Where are you and where do you want to go? We understand your vision, your challenges and design a strategy to help you achieve your goals.

Web & software development

We bring your vision to life. With regular feedback loops, we ensure that your automation solution is a perfect fit.

Launch & Improvement

Your automation solution is ready! With your feedback, we will fine-tune it and lead you into an era of digital excellence.

It’s Your Time
To Be Seen

Don't let your dreams
collect dust!

- Für deine Zielgruppe & Branche -

Unsere Projekte

Entdecke, wie wir als Digitalagentur Visionen unserer Kunden in Realität umsetzen. Jedes Projekt: Beweis unserer Expertise und Leidenschaft für digitale Exzellenz.


We love our clients from all over the world. Our vision - help you dream big, and unlock your true potential. Read our track record:

Your SEO
agency for

InstitutionSelf emplyedInstitutionInstitutionSelf emplyed


Flexibly adaptable
to your budget

We pride ourselves on our pinpoint precision in keyword
selection, elevating your brand using our Framework.


SEO visibility
490$ per month
For small companies that finally want
to rank better on Google & Co.
  • Monthly SEO reports
  • Keyword research & optimization
  • Tailored SEO strategy development
  • Basic backlink building
  • Tracking 5 keywords


SEO visibility
990$ per month
For small companies that finally want
to rank better on Google & Co.
  • Monthly SEO reports
  • Keyword research & optimization
  • Tailored SEO strategy development
  • Basic backlink building
  • Tracking 5 keywords


SEO industry leader
Upon request For companies with multiple products/
target groups and who want to
dominate their market.
  • Monthly SEO reports
  • Keyword research & optimization
  • Tailored SEO strategy development
  • Basic backlink building
  • Tracking 5 keywords

"8 out of 10 buyers Google for products online.


Let's guide them straight to you.

At IQONIC, we make sure that when they're looking, they find – and prefer – you. Elevate your search engine presence and let's conquer the digital summit together.

Consumers are more informed than ever. With the majority comparing products online, it's essential to stand out.


6 frequently asked
questions about SEO

Google Ads bietet deinem Unternehmen viele Vorteile. Du kannst deine Online- Sichtbarkeit erhöhen, gezielten Traffic auf deine Webseite lenken, mehr Verkäufe erzielen und schneller wachsen. Genau dabei helfen wir dir mit Google Ads Kampagnen, die perfekt zu dir und deiner Zielgruppe passen.

Google Ads sind sehr kosteneffektiv. Vor allem mit einer erfahrenen Google Ads Agentur kannst du deinen ROI erheblich verbessern und auch ohne großes Budget mehr Kunden gewinnen. Besonders praktisch: Google Ads Kampagnen lassen sich leicht nach unten oder oben anpassen. Sobald du positive ROI-Kampagnen hast, kannst du dein Budget erhöhen und ohne viel Risiko skalieren.

Wir als Google-Partner messen den Erfolg von Landingpages und Kampagnen mit Indikatoren wie Klick- und Konversionsrate oder ROI. So stellen wir sicher, dass deine Kampagnen greifbare Ergebnisse bringen und deine Ziele erreichen. Gerne legen wir die KPIs deiner Kampagne gemeinsam fest. Anzeigen über Google helfen, Kunden auf Ihr Unternehmen aufmerksam zu machen. Übrigens: Eine Zusammenarbeit mit Google ist heutzutage die häufigst gewählte Werbeform, Produkte oder Dienstleistungen online zu bewerben.

Natürlich! Google und andere Suchmaschinen bieten bei Suchmaschinenwerbung präzise Targeting-Optionen für Landingpages – mit denen du spezifische demografische Merkmale, Interessen und sogar Verhaltensweisen erreichen kannst. Das macht Google Ads Kampagnen so effektiv!

Zunächst verstehen wir als zertifizierter Google Partner dein Unternehmen und deine Ziele. Dann erstellen wir eine maßgeschneiderte Strategie, damit du deine Ziele ohne Umwege erreichst. Wir führen die Kampagnen aus und optimieren kontinuierlich für beste Ergebnisse.

Zunächst verstehen wir als zertifizierter Google Partner dein Unternehmen und deine Ziele. Dann erstellen wir eine maßgeschneiderte Strategie, damit du deine Ziele ohne Umwege erreichst. Wir führen die Kampagnen aus und optimieren kontinuierlich für beste Ergebnisse.

P.S. Don't let your
dreams collect dust!

Remember, if you don't take action now, your dreams of business growth and
success may remain unfulfilled. Your competitors won't wait. They're already on
the path to greatness.
